Glaoigh orainn

Baile / Glaoigh orainn

Inis dúinn do Theachtaireacht

Fáilte romhat cuairt a thabhairt
Cuirimid an-tábhacht le do chomhairle agus do chomhairliúchán.
If you have any questions about the products and services of Shilin, please fill in the following
form, and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Glaoigh orainn

  • Seoladh

    Uimh.9 Dongjiang Road, Hi-Tech Zone, Fenghua, Ningbo, an tSín

  • Fón

    +86-574-88590088 / +86-574-88939999

  • Facs


  • Ríomhphost

    [email protected]

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